Fwd: Teamsters Vote 2020 Program Launch

Begin forwarded message:

From: “General President James P. Hoffa” <communications@teamster.org&gt;
Date: October 11, 2019 at 07:55:59 PDT
To: Roytjacobs@gmail.com
Subject: Teamsters Vote 2020 Program Launch
Reply-To: communications@teamster.org

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Dear first name/Friend,

We need to make sure that the priorities of Teamsters members are front and center in the 2020 presidential election. That’s why we launched Teamsters 2020 election program.

Over 22,000 Teamsters like you completed our survey and shared your main concerns going into the 2020 election. It is critical that all of the candidates see and hear from Teamsters on the issues you have identified as most important: retirement security, collective bargaining rights, and fair trade.

We are North America’s most diverse labor union. We are 1.4 million strong. Our members have the power to improve the lives of working people and we vow to harness that power to elect a leader who will work alongside us.

Candidates must take our voices seriously. Watch my video and find out how we are holding candidates accountable on the issues that matter to us.

This survey is just the start of our efforts to make sure our members are heard and respected in this election and beyond. To ensure members hear from politicians on core issues, the IBT has asked candidates to sign and return a three-point pledge that confirms commitment to:

  • Advancing legislation that protects pensions and solves the multiemployer pension funding crisis

  • Enacting laws that protect the rights of workers to join a union and bargain collectively

  • Establishing a new trade policy framework for the country that protects all working people

In the coming months, we will reach members in every state through door knocking, phone calls, text messaging, worksite communication and extensive digital outreach, to encourage them to participate and vote in the upcoming election. And we’ll keep pressing candidates until they tell us whose side they’re on.

We’re demanding that all of the candidates listen to our members and support our priorities. Visit our website to learn more about the Teamsters Vote 2020 Program.

We have the power to drive the conversation and ensure that issues that affect Teamsters and working people remain at the heart of the 2020 election.

Thank you for all that you do,
James P. Hoffa

empowered by Salsa

Fwd: Open enrollment underway for 2020 Health FSA

Begin forwarded message:

From: Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen <bentley@ble-t.org&gt;
Date: October 4, 2019 at 11:31:58 PDT
To: Roytjacobs@gmail.com
Subject: Open enrollment underway for 2020 Health FSA
Reply-To: Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen <bentley@ble-t.org&gt;


Open enrollment underway for 2020 Health FSA


INDEPENDENCE, Ohio, October 4 – Open enrollment for the Health Flexible Spending Account Plan (FSA) 2020 benefit year runs from October 1 through October 31, 2019. Members must enroll in the Health FSA every year – FSA enrollment is not automatic each year so interested members should act soon so they do not miss out on enrollment for the 2020 Plan Year.

93d621e6-3f24-49e2-8234-32134da6e6f1.jpgA negotiated benefit obtained in the 2012 National Agreement, the Health FSA lets you put pre-tax dollars deducted from your paycheck into a special account to help pay for eligible medical, pharmacy, dental and vision expenses. When you enroll, you choose your FSA contribution amount. You can contribute as little as $10 per month ($120 annually), all the way up to $225 per month ($2,700 annually). If the IRS raises the maximum in 2020, you will be able to elect up to that amount.

Administered by United Healthcare, the Health FSA provides you with a special Health Care Spending Card to easily pay for eligible FSA expenses. It’s connected to your flexible spending account so there is no need to write checks or submit claim forms. To help with planning, the FSA Calculator Toll on the Your Track To Health website allows you to input annual estimated out-of-pocket costs for medical services (such as deductibles, co-payments, eye exams, dental exams, etc.), then shows you how much money you will save on taxes by using the FSA. There is also a list of Frequently Asked Questions for more information.

Except as noted at the end of this paragraph, locomotive engineers and Tex-Mex train service employees covered by the Health & Welfare portion of the National Agreement, dated January 5, 2012, are eligible to participate in the FSA Plan. The national FSA is distinct and separate from the on-property BNSF FSA Plan and while that Plan also requires annual registration, BNSF engineers are not required to participate in the open enrollment described in this News Flash. Also, BLET members subject to the September 16, 2011 UTU National Agreement are currently eligible to participate in the Health FSA program provided for in that Agreement.

Please be sure to register by the October 31 deadline! For more information about the Health FSA, which is administered by United Healthcare, please visit the following: www.yourtracktohealth.com

 Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen

7061 East Pleasant Valley Road, Independence, Ohio 44131













Brother’s and Sister’s,

Please download BOX app for different Union information. You may have read the information in an email then forgot about it but odds are that info is put in the BOX app for a time when it might needed. The BOX app is is a file share program that Howard, Eric and myself maintain. You can download it from the App Store for Apple or the Google play store any other operating systems. 
If your interested please download and install and except all notifications. Open and sign up. You just need a email and password. If you already have this let me know and I’ll get you the information from the Union.  
