Brother’s and Sister’s,

Please download BOX app for different Union information. You may have read the information in an email then forgot about it but odds are that info is put in the BOX app for a time when it might needed. The BOX app is is a file share program that Howard, Eric and myself maintain. You can download it from the App Store for Apple or the Google play store any other operating systems. 
If your interested please download and install and except all notifications. Open and sign up. You just need a email and password. If you already have this let me know and I’ll get you the information from the Union.|EXA|ONSEM_kwid_43700023142507043&gclid=Cj0KCQjwz8bsBRC6ARIsAEyNnvpTSiR3AYfTgqwCjCoVFZg4qFKHWf0pTfd0ht6gDPS3E58QDWnr4IYaAu5wEALw_wcB

Posted in Email Post.

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