Pre-Retirement Seminar Portland OR

I received this from the RRB.  It’s very good information and you are better informed by the people who know. Mark your calendars and register. 

Good Morning!


Attached is the flyer and registration form for our upcoming Pre-Retirement Seminar that will be held on June 7th, 2019. We are doing the conferences a little differently this year. Instead of having separate Pre-Retirement Seminars and Informational Conferences we are combining them into one! This means that ALL railroaders and their spouses are invited!


The seminar will be held at:


Hilton Garden Inn Portland Airport

12048 NE Airport Way

Portland OR 97220


Registration begins at 8:00.  We reserved a room that will hold up to 80 peopleā€¦ last Pre-Retirement Seminar we had over 100 attendees so please encourage early registration!


Please pass this flyer around to anyone you think would be interested. I would be grateful if you could post it in a public place within your workspace as well.  Registration is available online at RRB.Gov/PRS approximately 60 days in advance of the date of the seminar.



Paula R Mills

District Manager

620 SW Main St

Room 112

Portland OR 97205

Phone: 877-772-5772

Fax: 503-326-2157


Posted in Email Post.

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