Mobility July 1

Subject: Retirement of TYE Mobility – 1000c on July 1st

Gentlemen –


As we discussed during our last partnership meeting, the day is quickly approaching for the retirement of TYE Mobility for all TYE and Yardmaster employees.  On July 1st at 1000, TYE Mobility will no longer be available for any TYE/YDM employee and all users will need to use the new Workforce Hub.  The link for the WF Hub  We have made several announcements via the scroller messages in both Mobility and Hub, broadcast messages, BNSFConnect and BNSF Today articles, along with personal notification to TYE employees who have never accessed the Hub to make sure all of your members are aware.


As with any change, it’s hard, and we recognize this will be a very emotional event for your members.  We will have exempt staff here in the WF Support center for the first few days to address any concerns.  We will extend exempt coverage, if needed, for as long as necessary.  We will continue to personally reach out to members who submit feedback.  In addition, we will also provide you all with regular updates during this time as to how it is going, what we are hearing, and any “next steps”. 


Over the last few weeks we have made nearly 50 production updates to the WF Hub to improve performance as well as add new features.  All of these production moves have been based on the feedback we have received from your members.  I would say nearly 90% of the feedbacks we have received have been resolved with these latest updates. 


Here are a few feedbacks we still receive and we would like to share with you in case you hear anything:


  • Train Tracker – Is available in the WF Hub
    • TYE/YDM employees can access it by hitting the hamburger button (3 lines stacked on top of each other) on the top left of the screen or in the train/on-duty call screen.
    • We are working on an enhancement, projected release mid to late July, where anywhere there is a train symbol displayed they can click it and it launches them to train tracker.
    • Multifactor Authentication (MFA) – in an effort to keep all of BNSF systems secure, it is now necessary, anytime an employee launches to train tracker from the Hub they must re-authenticate.  This requirement is new to the WF Hub and not something they have to currently do in TYE Mobility. We were actually approached by the train team to make this change in Mobility a few months back, however, with the soon retirement of the application we were allowed to only make it in the WF Hub.
  • Access While On Duty – access is limited to only call information once on-duty
    • In an effort to keep our employees safe and to comply with FRA regulation about use of mobile devices, we have locked employees out once on-duty from using the Hub. This is not a change, Mobility functions the same, call information is the only thing accessible once the on-duty time for the employee has passed.
  • Paystubs – Is available in the WF Hub
    • TYE/YDM will have to authenticate through MFA to view.  This is to keep our employee’s and BNSF information secure.
  • FMLA – Is not available in Mobility or WF Hub
    • We are continuing to work on the logic to allow FMLA layoff within the Hub.  FMLA layoff has many additional checks and tracking (hours, job, etc.) it does which makes this more challenging.  However, we know it is necessary and we are actively working on it, it is coming.


We are currently working on the following enhancements and they will be in place prior to July 1:


  • WF Hub load time for train call via text
    • Working to improve the speed in which the application loads
  • Yard view for outlying yards
    • All station yard views are available in the WF Hub.  However, some of our outlying yards built at major terminal (Watson built at LA, Hutchinson built at Newton, etc) are not showing, this will be fixed.
  • Compressed single page expandable view for extra boards and pools with horizontal scroll.
    • Allow employees to scroll horizontally to see additional information, like in mobility.
  • Immediate layoff fix
    • Fix the current bug in the layoff process, currently employees in non-central time zones receive “layoff must be immediate or pre-approved.”


I can’t stress enough how thankful I am for the support you all have shown. I know this change will be emotional.  I know you all along with your LCs will be the first to hear about it.  Please know, all the functionality currently in TYE Mobility is available plus more in the WF Hub.  We will continue to make enhancements after implementation based on your members feedback.


We are here to answer any questions you all receive and help in any way that we can.  Please feel free to email myself and Sara Henault ( with any questions/concerns/comments.




Mindy Gillgannon

Dir Opns Workforce Mgmt/Support – Systems

(785) 676-2044


Howard Allington


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