From: Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen <>
Date: September 13, 2019 at 10:21:49 PDT
To: <>
Subject: RRB asking all railroaders to complete online technology survey
Reply-To: Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen <>
RRB asking all railroaders to complete online technology survey
INDEPENDENCE, Ohio, September 13 – The Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) is asking all active and retired railroaders to complete an online survey to help drive its future strategic plans regarding online offerings.
The survey is part of a major Information Technology Initiative currently underway at the RRB. To that end, the Board has released an Online Services Customer Survey and is asking all active and retired members to complete it. The survey is anonymous and voluntary, and should take about 25 minutes to complete. It must be completed in one session.
Thank you in advance to those willing to complete the survey. The deadline to participate is September 20, 2019. It can be found at:
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