Fwd: Right to work campaign

Please don’t believe the rhetoric! Right to work only benefits BIG Business! 

Howard Allington

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Begin forwarded message:

From: Kevin Howard <kah758@gmail.com>
Date: November 21, 2018 at 9:00:42 AM PST
To: rob holton <rscda1@frontier.com>, Jeff Grimes <blet402@yahoo.com>,  Jess Nelson <jess.6184@gmail.com>, John Speelman <jespeelman2@gmail.com>,  Howard Allington <howardallington@yahoo.com>, Jon Tisdale <blet518seattle@gmail.com>,  Rich Reeves <reevesrg@yahoo.com>, Dan Bergman <jerrydbergman@gmail.com>
Subject: Right to work campaign

The group Freedom Foundation will be campaigning door to door through the holidays promoting right to work, handing out flyers and giving false information.
My wife is a shop steward at her school, and received this information from her higher ups.

Kevin Howard
BLET Safety Coordinator
NW Division of BNSF
Posted in Email Post.

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