Years of Service
Personal Leave Days
Less than five years
3 days
Five years and less than 10 years
5 days
Ten years and less than 15 years
7 days
Fifteen years and less than 20 years
9 days
Twenty years or more
11 days
(a) Employees who retain seniority under the rules and working conditions agreements governing their class or craft and who are regularly assigned or transferred to full time employment not covered by such agreements, or who, for a period of thirty days or more are (1) furloughed on account of force reduction, or (2) on leave of absence, or (3) absent on account of sickness or disability, will not be required to maintain membership as provided in Section 1 of this Article so long as they remain in such other employment, or furloughed or absent as herein provided, but they may do so at their option. Should such employees return to any service covered by the said rules and working conditions agreements and continue therein thirty calendar days or more, irrespective of the number of days actually worked during that period, they shall, as a condition of their continued employment subject to such agreements, be required within thirty-five calendar days from date of their return to such service to comply with the provisions of Sections 1 and 2 of this Article.
(b) The seniority status and rights of employees furloughed to serve in the Armed Forces or granted leaves of absence to engage in studies under an educational aid program sponsored by the Federal Government or a State Government for the benefit of ex-servicemen shall not be terminated by reason of any of the provisions of this Article but such employees shall, upon resumption of employment, be considered as new employees for the purposes of applying this Article.
(c) Employees who retain seniority under the rules and working conditions agreements governing their class or craft, and who, for reasons other than those specified in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Section, are not in service covered by such agreements or leave such
service, will not be required to maintain membership as provided in Sections I and 2 of this Article as long as they are not in service covered by such agreements, but they may do so at their option. Should such employees return to any service covered by the said rules and working conditions agreements they shall, as a condition of their continued employment, be required, from the date of return to such service to take membership in an organization specified in Section 1 or 2 of this Article.
(a) Each employee covered by the provisions of this Article shall be considered by the Carrier to have met the requirements of the Article unless and until the Carrier is advised to the contrary in writing by the Organization. The Organization will notify the Carrier in writing by Registered or Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, or by personal delivery evidenced by receipt, of any employee who it is alleged has failed to comply with the terms of this Article and who the Organization therefore claims is not entitled to continue in employment subject to the rules and working conditions agreements. The form of notice to be used shall be agreed upon by the Carrier and the Organization, and the form shall make provision for specifying the reasons for the allegation of noncompliance. Upon receipt of such notice, the Carrier will, within ten calendar days of such receipt, so notify the employee concerned in writing by Registered or Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, or by personal delivery evidenced by receipt. Copy of such notice to the employee shall be given the Organization. An employee so notified who disputes the fact that he has failed to comply with the terms of this Article shall, within a period of ten calendar days from the date of receipt of such notice, request the Carrier in writing by Registered or Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, or by personal delivery evidenced by receipt, to accord him a hearing. Upon receipt of such request the Carrier shall set a date for hearing which shall be held within ten calendar days of the date of receipt of request therefore. Notice of the date set for hearing shall be promptly given the employee in writing with copy to the Organization, by Registered or Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, or by personal delivery evidenced by receipt. A representative of the Organization shall attend and participate in the hearing. The receipt by the Carrier of a request for a hearing shall operate to stay action on the termination of employment until the hearing is held and the decision of the Carrier is rendered.
In the event the employee concerned does not request a hearing as provided herein, the Carrier shall proceed to terminate his seniority and employment under the rules and working conditions agreements not later than thirty days from receipt of the above described notice from the Organization, unless the Carrier and the Organization agree otherwise in writing.
(b) The Carrier shall determine on the basis of evidence produced at the hearing whether or not the employee has complied with the terms of this Article and shall render a decision within twenty calendar days from the date that the hearing is closed, and the employee and the Organization shall be promptly advised thereof in writing by Registered or Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested.
If the decision is that the employee has not complied with the terms of this Article, his seniority and employment under the rules and working conditions agreements shall be terminated within twenty calendar days of the date of said decision except as hereinafter provided or unless the Carrier and Organization agree otherwise in writing.
If the decision is not satisfactory to the employee or to the Organization, it may be appealed in writing, by Registered or Certified Mail. Return Receipt Requested, directly to the highest officer of the Carrier designated to handle appeals under this Article. Such appeals must be received by such officer within ten calendar days of the date of the decision appealed from and shall operate to stay action on the termination of seniority and employment, until the decision on appeal is rendered. The Carrier shall promptly notify the other party in writing of such appeal, by Registered or Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested. The decision on such appeal shall be rendered in writing within twenty calendar days of the date the notice of appeal is received, and the employee and the Organization shall be promptly advised thereof in writing by Registered or Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested.
If the decision on such appeal is that the employee has not complied with the terms of this Article his seniority and employment under the rules and working conditions agreements shall be terminated within twenty calendar days of the date of said decision unless selection of neutral is requested as provided below, or unless the Carrier and the Organization agree otherwise in writing. The decision on appeal shall be final and binding unless within ten calendar days from the date of the decision the Organization or the employee involved requests the selection of a neutral person to decide the dispute as provided in Section 5(c) below. Any request for selection of a neutral person as provided in Section 5(c) below shall operate to stay action on the termination of seniority and employment until not more than ten calendar days from the date decision is rendered by the neutral person.
(c) If within ten calendar days after the date of a decision on appeal by the highest officer of the Carrier designated to handle appeals under this Article the Organization or the employee involved requests such highest officer in writing by Registered or Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, that a neutral be appointed to decide the dispute, a neutral person to act as sole arbitrator to decide the dispute shall be selected by the highest officer of the Carrier designated to handle the appeals under this Article or his designated representative, the General Chairman of the Organization or his designated representative, and the employee involved or his representative. If they are unable to agree upon the selection of a neutral person, any one of them may request the chairman of the National Mediation Board in writing to appoint such neutral. The Carrier, the Organization and the employee involved shall have the right to appear and present evidence at a
hearing before such neutral arbitrator. Any decision by such neutral arbitrator shall be made within thirty calendar days from the date of receipt of the request for his appointment and shall be final and binding upon the parties as to the matters decided within the limitations of paragraph (i) of this section. The Carrier, the employee, and the Organization shall be promptly advised thereof in writing by Registered or Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested. If the position of the employee is sustained, the fees, salary and expenses of the neutral arbitrator shall be borne in equal ‘shares by the Carrier and the Organization; if the employees position is not sustained, such fees, salary and expenses shall be borne in equal Shares by the Carrier, the Organization and the employee.
(d) It is understood that if an employee produces evidence to an officer or Local Chairman of the Organization that he is a member in any one of the Labor Organizations as specified in Section 2 of this Article, that will satisfy this Article and no notice will be served by the Organization on the Carrier to have employee removed from service. Employee will be required to produce such evidence on demand of an officer or Local Chairman of the Organization, but will not be required to produce such evidence more than once in a calendar month. If employee fails or refuses to produce such evidence, he may be cited to the Carrier by the Organization as not complying with this Article.
(e) The time periods specified in this section may be extended in individual cases by written agreement between the Carrier and the Organization.
(f) Provisions of investigation and discipline rules contained in the rules and working conditions agreements between the Carrier and the Organization will not apply to cases arising under this Article.
(g) The General Chairman of the Organization shall notify the Carrier in writing of the title(s) and the address(es) of its representatives who are authorized to serve and receive the notices described in this Article. The Carrier shall notify the General Chairman of the Organization in writing of the title(s) and address(es) of its representatives who are authorized to receive and serve the notices described in this Article.
(h) In computing the time periods specified in this Article, the date on which a notice is received or decision rendered shall not be counted.
( i ) Decisions made pursuant to this section shall be confined to determination of the fact of compliance or noncompliance by the employee with the terms of this Article but do not apply to any questions of law arising out of or in connection with the legally permissible limits of this Article under applicable law.
, 2003.
For The Burlington Northern and
For the Employees
Santa Fe Railway Company:
Represented by the
Brotherhood of
Locomotive Engineers:
John Fleps /
Austin Morrison
Vice President — Labor Relations
General Chairman
Milton Siegele
Rick Gibbons
Assistant Vice President-Labor Relations
General Chairman
Wendell Bell
Pat Williams
General Director-Labor Relations
General Chairman
Dennis Pierce
General Chairman
Steve Speagle
Vice President
BNSF JOHN J. FLEPS Vice President Labor Relations |
The Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Company |
PO Box 961030 Fort Worth TX. 76161-0030 2600 Lou Menk Drive Garden Level NOC Fort Worth TX 76161-0030 Phone: 817-352-1020 Fax: 817-352-7319 |
November 6, 2003 Side Letter 1
General Chairman, BLE
Mr. Steve Speagle
BNSF JOHN J. FLEPS Vice President Labor Relations |
The Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Company |
PO Box 961030 Fort Worth TX. 76161-0030 2600 Lou Menk Drive Garden Level NOC Fort Worth TX 76161-0030 Phone: 817-352-1020 Fax: 817-352-7319 |
November 6, 2003 Side Letter 2
General Chairman, BLE
In connection with our agreement concerning minimum safety footwear standards, you asked, as information, for an overview of BNSF’s current safety boot program and policy. Attached please find BNSF’s 2003-2005 Safety Boot Program and Policy for your review. If there are any material changes in BNSF’s Safety Boot Program and Policy, the parties will meet and discuss the matter.
Attachment BNSF 20032005 Safety Boot Program and Policy
(Not reproduced here)